Hiding for My Life Chosen as a Best Indie Book of 2024


Guess whose book is in Kirkus Reviews’ Best Indie Books of 2024 Top 100 list?!? Yep. Mine. Lil’ ol’ Hiding for My Life: Being Gay in the Navy. To say that I am thrilled would be an understatement. Kirkus reviews 10,000 books each year, so to be in their top 100 is an beautiful recognition that blows my mind and feels like an enormous win.  

I met with an amazingly talented Kirkus writer. He read my memoir, did an interview with me, then wrote a beautiful profile: Solt Balances Personal Liberation and Duty that is linked here and above. He encapsulated my memoir and my belief system about hiding with perfection.

Life has taught me that highs come with lows, so I’m not great at celebrating my successes, but I’m trying as I know that dimming my light is one of the ways that I hide. Writing my memoir is something I’m very proud of—I’ve never completed a singular project that was so demanding, while simultaneously being incredibly life-changing. I hope it also had a positive impact on you and how you unapologetically live your life.