All Future Posts are on Substack

Hi Friends, I am excited to be creating a Hideology™ community on Substack. Here’s the link:

I’m sharing my initial post here, so that you’ll see what I’m doing and where it’s going. Thank you…Here’s the post ⬇️⬇️⬇️

As a Combat Hideologist, hiding—or what I coined: Hideology™—is my field of expertise. I have lived so much of my life in hiding, that I even wrote a book called Hiding for My Life: Being Gay in the Navy. I see hiding everywhere—in me, in you, in all of us. In this Substack, we will dive into the many reasons we go into hiding—to escape some form of pain or rejection—but how going into hiding actually creates inner pain and self-rejection. It’s a journey, but our calling is to come back out, one inch at a time, and live the truth of who we are. 

When you think of hiding, you probably think of hiding in the closet and the LGBTQ+ community. As a gay woman, I do admit that we know the closet like no other, but there are many types of closets and it isn’t just us. Hiding is universal and tricky and very human.

Hiding begins in early childhood when something happened that created a lack of safety. Here are some basic ways that we hide: People pleasing, addiction, body image issues, perfectionism, dimming your light, bullying, and rescuing others. There are many, many more, but do any of these resonate with you, as they do for me?

Well, if you’re tired of being blind to your blind spots and want to reconnect with the part of you who no longer wishes to hide or dim your light, you’ve come to the right place.

…and I’m really happy that you’re here.

Because at my core I believe this IS the way to inner peace, which IS the way to world peace—which we desperately need.